
我们的使命是以儿童为中心, play-based environments that support critical thinking skills, 培养积极的自尊, 并促进独立和能力.

Full Day Preschool: Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) - Begins Monday, September 9, 2024

The 千亿体育 Great Start Readiness Program is a state-funded full day free  preschool program for qualifying four-year-old children. To qualify for GSRP, children must turn 4 on or before December 1. An age waiver may be available for scholars who turn 4 between September 2nd and December 1st. 

Learning in a 千亿体育 World-Class Preschool through GSRP prepares children to be successful in kindergarten and beyond. Experts agree that children who have quality early learning experiences are better prepared to be successful in school and throughout life. Preschool is the essential first step in your child's lifelong education. Children have opportunities to build social skills daily, 做决定, 解决问题, 发现友谊, 最重要的是,培养对学习的热爱!


  • 24个安全、方便的地点 整个大急流城.
  • 高素质的世界级教师 who monitor each child's progress and partner with families to support at-home development.
  • 包容性课堂学习 that encourages social, cognitive, and physical development supported by a research-based curriculum. 孩子们在大群体和小群体中都有互动. The environment and activities are designed to assist in the development of pre-reading, 学前数学, 科学, 社会研究, 还有艺术. 
  • 免费营养餐
  • 冒险实地考察 鼓励在新环境中学习. 
  • 家庭参与活动



Application begins mid-February, and placement rounds start in July. Children are placed in order of eligibility and are not guaranteed a spot. An intake application must be completed and on file to be placed. Many families qualify for free preschool through the Great Start Readiness Program grant. If a family's income exceeds grant eligibility, there is a potential tuition option.  请致电616-819-2111我们的幼儿办公室 看看你的孩子是否有资格或发邮件 EarlyChildhood@letyourbodyhealyou.com 了解更多. 


GSRP developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education provided in partnership with  肯特中学学区

Q. How does my family/child qualify for the GSRP Preschool?

A. The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is funded by the Michigan Department of Education and has defined a list of eligibility factors, 主要的收入. Information collected during the formal application process determines eligibility status and placement.

Q. GSRP幼儿园需要哪些文件?

A. You will need to submit your child's certified birth certificate, 免疫接种记录, 过去一年完成的身体/健康评估, 收入证明, and proof of residence that your family resides in (current gas/electric, 租金/租赁/抵押贷款文档). Other required paperwork will need to be completed with the Preschool teaching team prior to your child starting, 以及GRPS在线注册.

Q. Is my child automatically enrolled once I complete the application for GSRP Preschool?

A. The intake application is the first step in the process to applying for preschool. 完成申请后, 你仍然需要提供收入证明文件, 验证资格的其他信息, 完成注册流程. Priority for enrollment is based on family income and additional life experiences. Tuition free programs are required to follow prioritization guidelines when enrolling children into State Funded Preschool programs. Eligibility is primarily based on family income (federal poverty level), 生活经历和孩子的年龄.

The Great Start Readiness Program is funded by the Michigan Department of Education and has a defined list of eligibility factors. Preschool applications are reviewed for Head Start eligibility first. Each child must qualify for the preschool program based on guidelines that include income verification and documentation of other school readiness risk factors.


  1. 符合当前年龄入境日期的儿童 (September 1), whose family income is between 0-100% federal poverty level (FPL), or meets one of the established categorical eligibility criteria.
  2. 符合当前年龄入境日期的儿童 and whose family’s income is between 0%‐250% FPL.
  3. 符合当前年龄入境日期的儿童, whose family income is over 250% FPL and will pay tuition to participate only if seats are still available.
  4. Children who are in the age gap entry date of September 2 to December 1 whose family income is between 0%-250% FPL.

Q. 什么是GSRP学前教育的年龄资格?

A. Children must be 4 by September 1st of the current year. If an age waiver is offered by the state (yearly decision made by the State), this would also allow children who are four between September 2nd of the current year and December 1st of the current year. 5岁儿童 by September 1st of the current year are too old and are not eligible to attend GSRP.

Q. GSRP学前班第一天是什么时候?

A. Preschool students who have been placed usually begin the week after the elementary students begin. The assigned preschool teacher will communicate your specific start date once required documents are received, 所需文件已完成, 并完成网上注册. 

Q. Is bus transportation available for my GSRP Preschool child?

A. Bus transportation is available for students who are attending their neighborhood (attendance area) school and are more than one mile away from their neighborhood (attendance area) school. 运输 is not available for students who are attending a school that is not their neighborhood (attendance area) school, 包括主题学校.