
策略性规划过程是建立在社会各界广泛参与的基础上. 过去一年, 我们进行了社区调查, 焦点小组, 设计会议, 社区反馈会议, 开放的房子, 以及虚拟的思想交流. 我们也让社区伙伴与我们的地区工作人员一起组成规划小组.

该过程始于2021年4月的分析阶段, including assessment of our past performance and perceptions of stakeholders throughout our community.

我们在社区范围内进行了一项调查,共有1300多名受访者. 我们亦与下列团体的代表社区成员举行焦点小组讨论.

  • 学生
  • 家长行动领袖
  • 校长
  • 大急流城教育协会-教师
  • GRESPA (设施、营运及食物服务人员)
  • 大急流城教育协会-附属及其他 毛评点 工会
  • 经济适用房倡导者
  • 商业领袖
  • 高等教育
  • 社区组织领导
  • 肯特学校服务网
  • 毛评点 股票团队
  • 市领导
  • 扩展学习型组织网络
  • 社区协会
  • 宗教领袖
  • 基金会
  • 从大学到大学/我们社区的孩子


的优势 & 未来要利用的资产

The strategic planning process provides an opportunity to celebrate and honor the many strengths and assets of our 学校 district and our community. 我们将在合作实施这一千亿体育时利用这些优势.

的优势 & 资产概述

Our student performance on state assessments in 3rd grade has shown steady increases between 2015 and 2019. 学生 performed at about the same levels in English/Language Arts (including reading) as in Math.

我们所有学生的高中毕业率都在稳步增长. 我们的总毕业率是80.到2020年,9%的毕业率将接近密歇根82%的毕业率, 尽管这一数字低于美国最近公布的数据.S. 毕业率85%.

The entire community was provided the opportunity to rate their perceptions of the district through an online 毛评点 策略千亿体育社区意见调查. 在1300多名受访者中,被评为最高的优势和资产.

学生与教师之间的积极联系= 91.2%

提高毕业率= 90.9%

敬业和支持的员工= 89.9%

学术课程和选择的多样性= 89.3%

社区伙伴关系= 88.6%

主题学校= 86.9%

多样性= 86.7%

地区的教师和工作人员被认为是关心、以学生为中心和奉献的. 这是学生、家庭和社区成员的心声. 在 COVID2020年和2021年的2019 -19大流行, 老师, 校长和学校工作人员在他们的正常职责之外,为学生和家庭提供支持, 不仅是学习的机会,也是基本需求和服务的机会.

大急流城是一个有着强烈自豪感的社区,这种自豪感延伸到了学区. 不同信仰的社区伙伴, 业务, 非营利组织, and government organizations are keen to work with the 学校 district to support student success.

总体而言,普通学术被认为是强大的. 人们普遍承认高中毕业率在不断上升.

毛评点 provides a wide variety of academic choices for 家庭 that are appreciated and highly regarded. The opportunity to choose options that best meet the needs of individual students is seen as a tremendous asset. The district is viewed as innovative in its efforts to define new programs that respond to student needs and interests.

Parent engagement is clearly a focus of the district with many opportunities for parents to be involved.

最近翻修的设施被视为社区资产. 这些建筑的视觉吸引力和设计令人非常自豪



我们也诚实地评估了我们改进的机会, and ensured this strategic plan is grounded in data and stakeholder input that identify the highest leverage areas of our work to enhance in the future.

From 2015 to 2019 our student achievement on state assessments in 5th and 8th grade was relatively flat. Note that there was an assessment change in 8th grade so the results are not comparable to prior years. In these grades, our students performed at much lower levels in Math than in English/Language Arts.

不是所有的学生都达到同样的水平. 学生 from lower income 家庭 consistently achieve at lower levels than other students as illustrated by the solid bars on the adjacent charts. 然而, 即使考虑到家庭收入的差异, 我们的学生是非裔美国人, 拉美裔, 印第安人的表现低于亚裔和白人学生.

学生 in our high 学校s have the opportunity to participate in a variety of advanced academic coursework, 包括先修课程, 双录取, 以及国际学士学位课程. The students in Advanced Placement and 双录取 courses reflect our overall student population, but the student makeup of our International Baccalaureate courses includes a higher proportion of White and Asian students.

我们在纪律实践中也看到了差异. 而非裔美国学生占学生总数的32%, 他们代表了55%被学校开除或停学的学生.

The proportion of our graduates who enroll in a 2- or 4-year college has remained fairly stable as seen in the graphs below. 我们最近的高中毕业后6个月内的大学入学率是51%.1%,低于全国平均水平的66%.2%.

我们也千亿体育毕业生直接进入工作和/或职业认证项目的选择, 包括军队.

Our focus group conversations surfaced some additional areas where we can enhance student success:

虽然毛评点的许多学校选择都很有价值, 学校s that operate as traditional neighborhood 学校s have not always obtained the same level of district or community attention. Many stakeholders perceive a comparative lack of resources and student opportunities in our neighborhood 学校s, 在过去, 主题学校得到了大力推广,而社区学校却没有. 另外, the theme 学校 application process can prove daunting and cumbersome for many 家庭 causing disparities in access.

一些学生和家庭经历了文化偏见,在课堂上缺乏包容性, 学校, 以及地区互动. 这不仅创造了一个不受欢迎的环境, but it results in students and 家庭 being excluded from programs and services that support their success.

There are opportunities to better support students in preparing for life after high 学校 graduation, 无论是立即追求大学文凭还是职业道路. 业务中的社区利益相关者, 高等教育, 慈善团体已做好准备,支持加大对这一领域的关注.


Focus groups with all stakeholders indicated that employee compensation and retention are significant problems across all employee groups.

学生 voice that extended teacher vacancies are negatively affecting their learning (even prior to the pandemic). 另外, many stakeholders feel that the district is not allocating a sufficient number of non-teaching staff to meet student needs, 比如辅导员, 社会工作者, 托管人, 维修人员.

The percentage of 老师 who are White (89%) is dramatically greater than the percentage of students who are White (21%). 美国各地, the proportion of 老师 who are White exceed the proportion of students who are White; however, 全国教师队伍中79%是白人,而毛评点教师中有89%是白人. 加剧了这个问题, 在2020-21学年, 有色人种教师离开毛评点的可能性更大,被聘用的可能性更小.

学生 and caregivers in 焦点小组 expressed that the lack of demographic representation among 学校-based employees creates a climate that can feel exclusive and culturally unresponsive.

社区伙伴关系为满足学生需求提供了更多的机会. 有很多人准备好了, 愿意, 以及大急流城有能力的社区伙伴, but the internal 毛评点 systems to engage and leverage partners are sometimes circuitous and inconsistent.

我们有机会加强家长和社区对学校决策的参与, 特别是在我们附近的学校.

我们的学生还表示有兴趣对他们的教育产生更大的影响. 学生 in strategic planning 焦点小组 offered astute perceptions about enablers and barriers to their learning that could be leveraged for change.



根据我们的分析, 包括学生在内的100多名社区利益相关者, 家庭成员, 校长, 区管理员, and community organization leaders participated in a session to craft a draft strategic plan framework.


然后通过与员工的社区输入会议对该框架进行测试, 家庭, 以及学校的社区成员, 社区协会, 以及大急流城的社区组织. 除了下面列出的面对面会议, 我们还为公众举办了一次虚拟会议, 专门为员工举办的虚拟会议, 还有一个在线调查. Representative students also discussed the strategic plan framework and provided insights on how the district could best address their interests and aspirations. Student sessions were held during the 学校 day at every 毛评点 high 学校 as well as with students at Bridge Street Ministries and the Boys and Girls Club.

在分析了所有涉众的输入并合并了建议的变更之后, 我们的教育委员会通过了一系列优先成果, 战略主题, 以及为实现我们的公平愿景而设计的目标.

Multi-dimensional teams of district staff and community leaders then worked to develop strategic initiatives to achieve these objectives, 在整个过程中继续纳入涉众的意见.

  • CA霜中高
  • 城市高中
  • 大急流城蒙特梭利高中
  • 大急流城博物馆高中
  • 大急流城大学预科学院
  • 创新中心高中
  • 渥太华山高中
  • 西南中学
  • 结合高
  • 加菲猫公园邻里协会
  • 居委会领导
  • 大急流城教育办公室人员协会
  • 格兰维尔大道艺术与人文
  • Padres Fuertes/坚强的父亲
  • 毛评点大学
  • 西南社区校区(小学、初中、高中)
  • 西密歇根州西班牙裔中心
  • 林肯了
  • 树梢集体与青年
  • 全国有色人种协进会
  • 部落议会领袖